Tuesday 7 June 2016

Workshops are Filling UP!!

Well, it seems like we have touched an artistic nerve around here in the Blue Sky Region!! Several of our summer workshops have already reached their participant capacity. It looks like Francine Noiseaux' Drum-making course and the Raku Pottery course are both full and all workshop attendees have registered.


All the rest of our great workshops are still open and looking for your artistic energies!! SO...right now...pull up the schedule and pick a workshop and MESSAGE US!! We NEED YOU to make art in all shapes and sizes!

THANKS! Reno Couchie for this great image from the Red Road. Reno will be leading a workshop on Photo-transfer on August 20 and 21.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Northern Arts and Crafts 2016 - WORKSHOPS ANNOUNCED!!

We've upped the ante this season for our series of Outdoor and Gallery Workshops that happen all through the Summer and Fall in North Bay and the Nipissing Region!


For amazing NEW COURSES like: Modern Encaustic (Painting Process and Beeswax as an Artistic Medium) at Board Honey Farm!

OR....our NEW DRUM-MAKING course with Francine Noiseaux.

Keith Campbell is back this year and will offer a weekend course on stencilling on porcelin.

Analogue Photography is back, but NOW CHECK OUT...Cyanotype Processes with artist, Tiina Kirik!! Should be an amazing course!

And, another NEW COURSE, is the digital sound production workshop, we've called: Wilderness Sound Design, with Sound Artist and Designer, Kevin D, Smith.


We'll also keep everyone posted as we approach the events themselves to ensure that everyone whop is interested can take part.